Flaunt Your Feathers

Monday, February 7, 2011

My inspiration for this week is nature thanks to the Discovery Channel for the Plant Earth series ... 
I can't seem to get enough thank goodness there are 11 parts
Earth gives us amazing works of art that are 100% natural 
I will say that I am not one to go and frolic in a jungle or dive to great deeps in the vast ocean but thanks to Plant Earth I can see all the magic of mother nature from the comfort of my living room ... no bug repellent needed.  The main theme I just love in nature is how the male species must impress the females by sound, color or even by their ability to DANCE in order to attract a partner.  

With Feb 14th just around the corner I personally don't need diamonds, roses, mac computers or chocolates  but hopes my partner reads this and can impress me with his  Dancing Skills ... So for all the men out there take a hint from nature and  flaunt your feathers and impress the lady with something from your heart. Hand made cards are the best ... make dinner and dessert ... set the mood with candles and music.  Be present with your partner put cell phones away and have a few hours of conversation ... every relationship needs time for communication. So take what you have read and make it your own don't forget the most important part is to talk to each other without any distractions or interruptions. Enjoy the time you have with each other (everyday)

What my husband and I love to do together:  
Board games 
Reading to each other 
Walking the dogs 
Watching movies at home with a yummy bottle of wine 

Find 5 things you like to do with your partner and do them

Love and Laughs 


A Mia Design

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great posting Maria - I couldn't agree more, we all need to take time to think about these things! And...the video is awesome, so cool...I wonder why I left the world of wildlife biology when I see things like that! Thanks! :)