My New Macbook Pro

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It is so hard to pull myself away from my new Mac ... Last week I didn't have any words of wisdom (If that's what you call this) ... But what I was doing instead was creating magic ... my creative mojo was working over time in the wonderful world of iphoto. Now I understand the Mac or The Apple is not for everyone but I now live in both worlds of PC and of Mac and I am in full bliss.  I have already turned  2500 pictures from our wedding into an album.  I knew it was going to be a laborious task that I had put off for over a year now but wow was it amazing when I finished.  Not only does the book look great but all the things I could do made it fun and worth the wait. I can list all the things you can do with iphoto but its the same as with any other photo program its just the Mac does it with such ease and grace. So a big Thank You to Greg for getting me my new creative vehicle (but I did have to give up all gifts for a whole year but it was worth it) 

Since I have gotten my new tool I took those creative juices and Greg and I had a great outing in good old Los Angeles Saturday (main purpose for me was to get more images to play with)
We needed substance to start our journey so we stopped in at Langers for the 
"Legendary No. 19"

With our tanks full we stared at the Convention Center for the 2011 LA Art Show (Check out the link for some inspirational images) 

Then we had some time to kill so we had to check out  Regal Cinemas at L.A. Live we saw The Way Back ... I give it 4 1/2 stars ... Great story

Then it was off to the Little Cave to hear a haunting band play ... The place was packed with positive vibes

On the tail end of this most eventful day we needed to relax with some tasty spirits and good cooking so we ended up at HOME Restaurant in SILVERLAKE ... What an amazing recommendation from a friend

We slept well that night with all sorts of colorful images dancing in our heads

Love and Laughs


My Cineplex My Life

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In the format so set forth by the esteemed James Lipton "Let start at the beginning"
Mr. Lipton is in ""

"You where born in Mexico but shortly there after found your way to Torrance California"
Were I grew up in a fairly normal mid-class American home. 
"What's your mothers name?" Angelina or Angie 
"And your father's name?" Ronald Dean Babick or Ron for short

"How or when did your love of movies start?"  As far as I can remember my mother had a love of scary movies and I always wanted to watch with her. She would let me watch movies like The Shining, Jaws and Aliens I think I was about the same age as the little girl Newt in the movie when I watched it about 7 or 8 years old ... My mother's favorites where the Good and Evil movies like Exorcist. I can remember we would even read horror books on vacation there was this great young adult Vampire book we took turns reading about a young boy who would visit a Vampire in the basement of a Library great book loved it.  She would fuel our imagination even when doing everyday things for example if we where out at night driving in the car she would say things like make sure Dracula isn't following us so we would watch out the car windows and if we saw a car we would say hes after us he getting closer and she would pretend to race home and we would run into the house and hide. 

"Was it just horror movies you watched as a young girl" (laugh) No we would watch other movies we loved musicals or epic movies like star wars I think it was Return of the Jedi (1983) I was about 4 when it came out and my brother being older got to see it in the theater (still upset they didn't take me) ... there he went with my mother to stand in line to be one of the first. 

"So I see your mother was instrumental in your passion for movies" Yes ...Yes she was so much at when I watch some of these movies today like Alien or The Fly or even Flashdance I say to myself what was she thinking I was so young I never realized Flashdance was about an exotic dancer. 

"Besides your mother what else has helped fuel your passion?" Good question well the way I see it some people say they can remember when they heard a great song for the first time well when I think of a movie I remember who I saw it with or how a movie made me feel. A great movie to me is one that makes me think or opens my eyes to something new. For example after seeing Saw (the original) I left the theater in amazement how could someone (Leigh Whannell and James Wan) have such a vast imagination to have created such a complex story ... amazing really. 

"Are you the type to be first in line at the mid-night showing of a new movie" (smile) Yes but as I get older its harder and harder to stay up that late ... I find it easier to get tickets way in advance for the first DAY it comes out it doesn't need to be the first showing anymore. 

"A question I am sure very one wants you to answer what is your favorite movie?" O I knew this one was coming you saved it for last ... well let me quote a good movie and great actor  "You can't handle the truth!" - Col. Nathan R. Jessep (Jack Nicholson) A Few Good Men ... I couldn't pick just one movie for some many have been with me when I needed them. 

James Lipton's Famous Questionnaire
  1. What is your favorite word? Yes
  2. What is your least favorite word? Don't 
  3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Dreaming
  4. What turns you off? Faking It
  5. What is your favorite curse word? Shit
  6. What sound or noise do you love? Water/Ocean
  7. What sound or noise do you hate? Alarm Clocks
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Marine Biologist
  9. What profession would you not like to do? Singer
  10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I've been waiting for you 
Now any questions from the students??

Love and Laughs
AKA Maria Larson

A Mia Design 

Support and Promote

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Criticism is the judgement of the merits and faults of the actions or work of another individual. Criticism can mean merely to evaluate without necessarily finding fault; however, usually the word implies the expression of disapproval.


I find it very rewarding to do just the opposite 
We should support and promote others expressions of art ... If they are willing to put it out there then we should at least look at it with open eyes and open mind

So that's just what I want to do
Here are three things that are keeping me inspired this week you might want to check out for yourself 

A personal friend's blog "Get Fresh With Me" of her music religion (who doesn't like music) thanks to this my ears have something new each week to listen to. Great reading for the mind and good sounds for the soul. 

A movie "Never Let Me Go" I just got done watching ... the story a little sad but very thought provoking and outstanding acting. I stumbled on this movie when looking up the Education also staring Carey Mulligan both very good movies. Thanks IMDb you are amazing and just like social sites I could get tied up in your site for hours (the movie trivia never seems so let me down). 

I had to give OWN (The New Oprah Winfrey Network) a chance and this being the first thing I watched well I am sure to watch again. Diane Sawyer wow no wonder she is timeless not only inspiring but very classy Lady. Someone that has evoked change will never be forgotten. 

Oprah Presents Master Class with Diane Sawyer

Great first week of the new year lets keep it Positive

click on images for more...

Love and Laughs
A Mia Design